Friday, February 22, 2013

Tucson Cyclemania II Day 6

After the big snow storm on Wednesday we were anxious to see how the weather is going to be on the next day. we woke up with still a lot of snow on the ground. We had dense fog in the early morning, but by mid-morning the sun was peaking out and the snow mostly melted. The big streets looked dry. Phil took us for a ride towards downtown Tucson. We started at 12:30 PM. For the first part of the ride the sun was shining, but in the early afternoon the clouds started covering the sky again. after a food stop at the Rincon Market, we all decided to head back home in order to avoid the rain that was coming in the early evening. We all made it safe and sound before the rain. Total distance 50 miles, total elevation gain 2100 feet. The plan for tomorrow is a ride to Sabino Canyon. So far with over a foot of fresh snow on Mt. Lemmon it looks like on Saturday we will ride the El Tour de Tucson instead.


  1. Felix - thanks for the regular updates. Those of us in snowy Chicago are vicariously enjoying your trip via the posts. However, a question that this brings to mind as the Tucson crew gets in fantastic base miles, while those of us here are limited to indoor interval training, is should we do more interval training on our regular rides? During our early Spring rides last year, just about every hill turned into a flat our race to the top. As the season progressed, and we were working on pace line riding, we got away from doing so. Should we return to sprinting to the top of hills again this Spring, in part to add more interval training?

  2. Chris Carmichael (yes, the same one) wrote an article on Interval Training in To me, he was preaching to the converted. If I went out riding alone, that would be what I do naturally. Basically you pick up the effort, but not so much that you are out of commission, at regular intervals. I find cruise-control rides a bit boring.

    It really depends on what we want out of the rides. I have enjoyed rides at glacial paces as well. On some days I do not care if I am improvong or not...However, most of the time I find the intervals fun and rewarding.
